the year is 13139 and all life is dead... exept for the DEVIOUS @serenaoculis on twitter............. it is up to you... a orange circle....... to stop her from being evil............................ and to make her publish michawl quest 157...................... early..........................

controls: move your mouse around and dont touch anything light blue
try not to touch the walls for too long either
to restart click green flag in top left (yes this is a fucking scratch game. yes i could have made a menu. but i made this like a year ago now ok give me a break

title theme and boss theme by chlo
most art by chlo, some very rudely stolen from serenaoculis or google images
read this

hydrangealynx made the creditst theme

pittsbourne invented the serena oculis so im crediting them here too

change log

1.1 changes (happy 1 year anneversary!)

- added frame interpolation, the game looks 60fps now

- nerfed one attack in normal mode

- added an incredibly obnoxious hard mode, with a new ending

1.1.1 changes
- added a reward for nohitting hard mode

- thats it

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsBullet Hell, shitpost


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im fucking CACKLING mq157 still isnt out


jesus christ this is a lot harder than i remember it being

can't nohit the attack where i fire a bunch of balls at the play smh 0/10

that is literally every attack

the one where the balls are fired directly at the player shitdip

get better thnen

eats you eats you eats you


This was alot of fun to play dawg, good job!


as a professional SERENA_EXPLODE player, i have confirmed that SERENA_EXPLODE is the game of the year 13139


damn this was like genuinely fun


why is the boss theme so good